Gua Di San

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas Which Induce Vomiting To Discharge Phlegm

Gua Di San

Melon Pedicle Powder

Main Action of Gua Di San
The Main functions of this TCM Herbal formula are to discharge phlegm or food stagnation by inducing vomiting. This traditional chinese medicine formula is best suited for conditions of obstructed Qi flow through the chest and diaphragm.

Indications and Symptoms for Gua Di San
Focal distention, firmness upon palpation of abdomen, vexation, difficulty in breathing due to Qi rushing up to throat Tongue - Pulse - floating at upper jiao positions

Herbal Ingredients of Gua Di San

Gua Di (Pedicellus Cucumeris)

- 3g. -induces vomiting, eliminates phlegm or food

Chi Xiao Dou (Semen Phaseoli Calcarati

- 3g. -eliminate dampness, calms irritability, soothes fullness

Cooking Preparation of Gua Di San
When preparing this natural Herbal formula all the ingredients should be ground into a fine powder and made into a paste. Each dosage should be approximately .9 -3g and taken with a glass of warm water mixed with Dan Dou Chi.

Additional Information on Gua Di San
This alternative medicine formula is generally used to treat the beginning symptoms of food poisoning.