Dermatits and Chinese Medicine
Contact Dermatitis - Irritant Dermatitis
This type of skin condition is a reaction to substance which the skin came in contact with. Primarily caused by coming into contact with a chemical irritant which causes a reaction from redness to extreme swelling, possible burning and formation of vesicular eruptions. Usually the dermatitis is localized to the area exposed to the irritant but can also show whole body symptoms such as hives, whole body puffiness, redness, fevers and headaches. The reaction can occur immediately or up to 10 days after the exposure.
Chinese Medicine Treatment Of Contact Dermatitis:
Toxic Heat with Accumulation Of Dampness
Headache, fever, irritable, palpitations, red-burning eruptions with watery b ers and ending in scabs. The whole course usually takes place within 2 weeks
Herbal Formula: Hua Ban Jie Du Tang
Wind Heat - more whole body symptoms of puffiness, swelling and hot skin, Itchiness may be more prominant in this type than others.
Herbal Formula: Xiao Feng San or Xu Fen Qing Re Tang
EXTERIOR treatment for Contact Dermatitis
Qing Dai Cream or corn silk juice
Drug Toxicity Dermatitis
Any herb or pharmaceutical drug which causes an acute skin inflammation. The toxicity may stay incubated within the body for up to 20 days before rising to the surface. They will give rise to a measle like rash with burning, itching and possible liver, kidney or heart damage and/or pain.
Chinese Medicine Treatment Of Drug Toxicity Dermatitis:
Blood Heat
skin red, red eruptions, most eruptions appear on abdomen
Herbal Formula:Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang
Toxic Heat
whole body red, red eruptions, large pieces of peeling skin (like sun burn)
Herbal Formula: Qing Ying Tang, Qing Wen Bai Du Yin
Wind Heat
Histamine like, whole body puffiness and swelling
Herbal Formula: Xiao Feng Qing Re Yin
Blood Stasis
dark purple skin with b ers
Herbal Formula: Tong Qiao Huo Xue Tang and Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang + blood movers.
Low Jiao Damp Heat
eruptions on lower body
Herbal Formula: Long Dan Xie Gan Tang or Dao Chi San
EXTERNAL Treatment For Dermatitis-
Qing Dai Powder, Di Yu, Huang Bai, Ma Chi Xian herbal bath
Neural Dermatitis
Related Closely With Psoriasis Thick flaking, itching skin usually found around the neck but can also appears else where (thigh, sacrum, cubital crease). Most commonly appears in people from the ages of 20-40 years of age. It usually begins with gradual itching of a flat surface area of skin which gradually swells and grows bigger with a clear edge. The eruptions can usually be linked to stress and are commonly aggravated at night.
Chinese Medicine Treatment Of Neural Dermatitis
Wind Damp Heat
slight fluid discharge with healing scabs, usually acute condition
Herbal Formula: Xiao Feng San
Blood Deficiency With Wind Dryness
dry thick flaking skin, chronic condition
Herbal Formula: Dang Gui Yin Zi, Si Wu Xiao Feng San,
Herbs - Zhen Zhu Mu, Dai Zhi Shi, Mu LI, Ye Jiao Teng, Wu Wei Zi + with stress
EXTERNAL Treatment:
Da Huang, Huang Lian, Huang Bai = triple yellow application
Western Medicine Treatment - cortisol cream
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Inflammatory scaling disease of the scalp, face and occasionally other areas of the body. This disorder usually effects areas with a high density of large oil glands due to pityrosporum yeasts that breaks oil products down creating inflammation. The skin becomes increasingly oily and itchy and scabs will form during the healing process. 3 types - dry - oily - infant
Chinese Medicine Treatment Of Seborrheic Dermatitis:
Damp Heat
oozing skin reactions that are red and hot to the touch. Leaking fluid is often thick and yellow and may have a bad smell.
Herbal Formula: Yin Chen Hao Tang
Wind Heat and Blood Dryness
Dry flaking itchy skin with minimal discharge.
Herbal Formula: Dang Gui Yin Zi + blood tonics EXTERNAL -Ce Bai Ye Tang
Other Treatments for Dermatitis
-Oatmeal application
-Avoid stimulants (sweet, pungent, alcohol, caffeine)
-try to keep regular Bowel Movements