Attention Deficit Disorder - ADD - Restless Syndrome In Children
Hyperactive children making it hard for them to learn or contain their emotions.
There are 3 main causes in Chinese Medicine:
1Congenital Liver / Kidney Deficiency (ie-emotional during pregnancy)
2Trauma during birth
3childhood (shaking, dropping, scaring child) is a possible cause for Attention Deficit Disorder.
The Main TCM mechanism for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is the disharmony of Yin and Yang with dysfunctional Heart, Liver, Spleen or Kidney.
This gives children a lack of concentration which is most prominent when first starting school when they can not control their emotions or stay seated for long periods of time.
Chinese Medicine Treatment Of Attention Deficit Disorder:
Heart and Kidney Deficiency - slow mental reactions, poor memory, lack of concentration, enuresis, many dreams, dark complexion
Herbal Formula: Kong Sheng Zhen Zhong Dan
Kidney Deficiency with Hyperactive Liver Yang - easily upset, excited easily, difficult to sit down for short periods of time, loud
Herbal Formula: Qi Ju Di Huang Wan + Long Gu, Mu Li (calm spirit herbs)
Heart and Spleen Qi Deficiency - child is in their own world, lack of concentration, dreamers, quiet, suttle movement, light sleeper, spontaneous sweat, night sweat, picky eater (autistic)
Herbal Formula: Gui Pi Tang + Gan Mai Da Zao Tang
Studies have been done stating that children who sleep through the night as a baby are less than 1% likley to develop ADD. Give your child a structured sleeping pattern and try not to wake them (children cry in their sleep, parents often wake their baby thinking there is something wrong).