Gui Ling Gan Lu Yin

Gui Ling Gan Lu Yin

Cinnamon and Poria Sweet Dew Decoction

Main Action of Gui Ling Gan Lu Yin
This Herbal formulas functions are to expel summer heat, clear heat, transform Qi and resolve dampness. The formula is best used in conditions of summer heat with internal stagnation of dampness and fluids.

Indications and Symptoms for Gui Ling Gan Lu Yin
fever, headache, irritability, thirst, difficult urination, reduced urine, sudden simultaneous vomiting and diarrhea during summer.

Herbal Ingredients of Gui Ling Gan Lu Yin

Hua Shi (Talcum, Talcum Powder)

- 60g. -relieve summer heat, resolve dampness

Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis, Licorice Root)

- 60g. -relieve summer heat, resolve dampness

Shi Gao (Gypsum)

- 60g. -clear heat

Han Shui Shi (Calcitum)

- 60g. -clear heat

Guan Gui (Cortex Cinnamomi Loureiroi, Cinnamon Twig Cortex)

- 60g. -transforms Qi in the lower jiao

Zhu Ling (Sclerotium Polypori Umbellati, Polyporus Sclerotium)

- 15g. -promote urination, expel dampness

Fu Ling (Sclerotium Poriae Cocos, China -root, Poria, Hoelen)

- 30g. -promote urination, expel dampness

Ze Xie (Rhizoma Alismatis Orientalitis, Water Plantain Rhizome, Alisma)

- 30g. -promote urination, expel dampness

Bai Zhu (Rhizoma Atractyloids Macrocephaelae, Atractylodes Rhizome)

- 15g. -strengthen spleen Qi

Cooking Preparation of Gui Ling Gan Lu Yin
This Herbal formula should be prepared by grinding all ingredients into a powder and taken in 9 gram doses with water. 1 piece of Sheng Jiang is commonly added to aid in harmonizing the middle jiao. Rou Gui is commonly substituted for Guan Gui by modern practitioners.

Additional Information on Gui Ling Gan Lu Yin
This formula is a modified version of Liu Yi San (six to one powder) and Wu Ling San (five ingredient powder with poria).