A Guide To Massage Therapy

Massage, as a form of touch therapy, is probably the most ancient system of healing. It soothes and eases the body, calms the mind and promotes a sense of well-being. A person wishing to undergo a massage therapy has a number of options available. An adequate amount of research should be conducted before undergoing any particular form of massage therapy. Massage therapies can be classified on the basis of the regions they target, on the variations of pressure or depending up on the hand movements involved. There are different types of massage to stimulate different regions of the body. A person should have a basic knowledge of these types in order to derive maximum benefit from them.

Relaxation massage deals with a smooth, flowing manner that helps in general relaxation, enhances circulation and series of movement, and reduces muscular tension.

Remedial massage comprises of a paramedical cure that helps to restore utility to injured muscles, tendons and ligaments. The therapy may involve use of various types of massage, as well as a range of other bodily treatments to assist in recovery. In addition, a patient may be asked to perform some activities at home to help in the process of recovery.

Sports massage combines several massage procedures to enhance a sports professional's performance and recovery. It is considered as a valuable constituent of any training program.

Aromatherapy massage refers to the combination of the therapeutic properties of important oils with specific massage techniques to promote health and well being.

Reflexology refers to the use of thumb and finger pressure on the reflex points of the feet. These pressure points correspond to all areas of the body to help in obtaining a balance within the body.

Oriental massage therapies are based on the system of finger pressure massages, such as Acupressure and Shiatsu, which treat points along the acupressure meridians. These massages aim at releasing discomfort and rebalancing energy.

By Kristy Annely


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