What is a Thai Massage?

Thai Massage is an oriental massage performed on the floor rather than traditional massages in the west which are performed on a raised table. Having the massage performed on the floor allows the therapist to use their body weight most effectively during treatment.


What Happens During a Thai Massage?

During Thai Massage the therapist will not suggest you take off your clothes as all the manipulations can be performed while fully clothed. The only piece of clothing usually taken off is ones shoes and sox. Light, elastic clothing is preferred to allow for flexible stretching movements.

Thai Massage therapies mainly consists of pressure on energy lines called Meridians in Chinese Medicine. While manipulating these pressure points the therapist moves the client through a variety of stretching movements.

The energy lines or “meridians” are called Sen in Thai massage and allow energy also called “Qi” in Chinese medicine to flow freely throughout the body. The way these energy lines differ in Chinese medicine and Thai Massage is that the lines follow the contour of ones body while the Qi in Chinese Medicine follows specific pathways to internal organs.


What Should I expect From Thai Massage?

Thai Massage stretching techniques affect the entire body by increasing your flexibility. This releases you tension and helps the body’s natural energy to flow more freely similar to that of Yoga. At the end of Thai Massage therapy you generally have an overall feeling of relaxation and energy at the same time.


Please contact a Thai Massage therapist in your area for more information.