Obesity - Overweight
Obesity - Overweight
Chinese Medicine causes of obesity:
Fire - Qi deficiency, not enough yang energy to burn oils Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Shen Ling Bai Zhu San
Oil - greasy diet, poor quality Jiang Zi Yi Gan Tang
Water - dampness not being transported or transformed properly (hot or cold) Huang Qi Tang Wu Ling San Ping Wei San Figure out the percentage of each main disorder and how they interrelate with the patients conditions. Find out patients pattern: Diet Exercise Emotion
Diagnosis of Obesity:
Deficiency Or Excess:
Excess Type - Minister Fire Excess - increased appetite with good digestion - King Fire Excess - increased appetite with poor digestion, emotional eating Deficient Type - Minister Fire
Deficiency - nausea, bloating, effects spleen function, Minister Fire (kidney) will overact on the spleen - King Fire deficiency - decreased appetite, anorexia, vomiting - yo yo weight loss and gain, emotional eatingKing Fire (heart) will overact on the stomach
Chinese Medicine Differentiation Of Obesity:
Phlegm Damp Stagnation - Er Chen Tang (phlegm), Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang (phlegm fluids)
Qi and Blood Stagnation - Tao Hong Si Wu Tang, Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang, Chai Hu Shi Gan San
Lung And Spleen Deficiency - Liu Jun Zi Tang, Shen Ling Bai Zhu San, Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
Spleen And Kidney Deficiency - Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan, Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, Li Zhong Wan
Liver And Stomach Acc. Heat - Long Dan Xie Gan Tang, Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San
Diagnosis: Tongue is more important than pulse because it is more closely related to spleen and stomach function.
Lose Weight Herbs 1) Huang Qi, Fu Ling, Jie Ming Zi 2) He Shou Wu, Huang Qi, Xiao Ku Cao, Dong Gua Pi (or cucmber) 3) He Ye, Chi Qian Cao
Top 10 Herbs to Lose Weight: Top 4: He ye, Fu Ling, Huang Qi, Chi Qian Cao 2nd: Jue Ming Zi 3rd: Zi Cie, Chen Pi, He Shou Wu, Xia Ku Cao, Da Huang
Acupuncture to Lose Weight: Ear - 70% effective Points - PC 6, ST 25, Ren 4, ST 40, SP 6, LU 7
Other Useful Ideas To Lose Weight: Meditation, Yoga, Massage, Qi Gong, Walking
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