Qing Gu San

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clear Deficiency Heat

Qing Gu San

Cool the Bones Powder


Main Action of Qing Gu San
The functions of this chinese medicine formula are to clear deficiency heat while alleviating steaming bone disorder (heat sensation deep within ones body (near bones) while skin is only warm or cool to the touch). This Herbal formula is best suited for conditions of steaming bone disorder due t liver and kidney yin deficiency giving rise to deficiency fire. Long term deficiency at the ying level leads to emaciation and lethargy due to yin not being able to control the fire.


Indications and Symptoms for Qing Gu San
Afternoon tidal fever, unremitting low grade fever, sensation of heat in the bones, flesh is not warm to the touch, irritability, insomnia, emaciation, lethargy, red lips, dark red cheeks, night sweats, thirsty, dry throat Tongue - red, slight coat Pulse - thin, rapid


Herbal Ingredients of Qing Gu San

Yin Chai Hu (Radix Stellariae Dichotomae, Stellaria Root)

- 4.5g. -clears deficiency fire fever

Zhi Mu (Rhizoma Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis, Anemarrhena Rhizome)

- 3g. -nourish yin, clears deficiency kidney heat Hu

Huang Lian (Rhizoma Picrorhizae, Picrorhiza Rhizome

3g. -clears blood level heat

Di Gu Pi (Cortex Lycii Radicis, Wolfberry Root Cortex, Lycium Bark)

- 3g. -clears lung heat and deficiency heat from the kidneys and liver

Qing Hao (Herba Artemisiae Annuae, Wormwood, ching -hao)

- 3g. -drains fire, moves heat outwards from the bones through the muscles to the exterior

Qin Jiao (Radix Gentianae, Gentiana Macrophylla Root)

- 3g. -clears deficiency heat from the liver and gallbladder

Zhi Bie Jia (Honey Fried Carapax Amydae Sinensis, Chinese Soft -Shelled Turtle Shell)

- 3g. -nourish yin, anchors yang, directs other herbs into yin levels of the body (deep areas)

Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis, Licorice Root)

- 1.5g. -harmonize other herbs within formula, tonify middle jiao


Cooking Preparation of Qing Gu San
This natural medicine Herbal formula should be taken as a draft between meals but is usually taken in prepared formulation using 2x the dosage listed above.


Additional Information on Qing Gu San
When the appropriate symptoms are present this alternative medicine Herbal formula is able to treat such disorders as tuberculosis and fevers which have an unknown origin.