San Ren Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clear Damp Heat

San Ren Tang

Three Nut Decoction


Main Action of San Ren Tang
This TCM Herbal formulas functions are to promote Qi circulation and regulate the Qi while clearing damp heat. This formula is best suited in conditions where there is early stage damp heat pathogens attacking the body or summer heat. In either one of these conditions the pathogens will be lodged in the wei and Qi levels.


Indications and Symptoms for San Ren Tang
headache, chills, afternoon fever, body feels heavy, generalized pain, pale complexion, yellow complexion, chest distention, poor appetite, no thirst Tongue - white coat Pulse - thin, wiry, soggy


Herbal Ingredients of San Ren Tang

Xing Ren (Semen Pruni Armeniacae, Apricot Seed or Kernel)

- 15g. -promotes lung Qi, aids lung Qi descending function

Bai Dou Kou (Fructus Amomi Kravanh, Round Cardamon Fruit, Cluster)

- 6g. -transforms turbid dampness in the lower jiao, promotes spleen function, spreads Qi within the chest

Hou Po (Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis, Magnolia Bark)

- 6g. -alleviate chest and abdominal distention due to phlegm dampness

Ban Xia (Rhizoma Pinelliae Tematae, Pinellia Rhizome)

- 9g. -alleviates chest and abdominal distention due to phlegm dampness

Yi Yi Ren (Semen Coicis Lachyrma -jobi, Seeds of Job's Tears, Coix)

- 18g. -leaches out dampness, promotes urination, tonify the spleen

Tong Cao (Medulla Tetrapanacis Papyriferi)

- 6g. -promotes urination, clear heat

Dan Zhu Ye (Spica Prunellae Vulgaris, Selfheal Spike, Prunella)

- 6g. -promotes urination, clear heat

Hua Shi (Talcum, Talcum)

- 18g. -promotes urination, clear heat


Cooking Preparation of San Ren Tang
This natural medicine Herbal formula should be decocted in eight cups of water and boiled down till 3 cups remain. The daily dosage is 3 cups a day, in 1 cup doses.


Additional Information on San Ren Tang
This formula is the most common in the treatment of summer damp heat which occurs during the late summer or early autumn months. This condition mostly affects patients with constitutional spleen deficiency which has led to dampness accumulations. This formula has been used to treat such diseases as enteric fever, pyelonephritis, undulant fever, postoperative fever and many other types of disorders when the appropriate symptoms are present.