Shen Fu Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Rescues Devastated Yang

Shen Fu Tang

Ginseng and Prepared Aconite Decoction


Main Action of Shen Fu Tang
The functions of this TCM Herbal formula are to restore injured yang Qi and tonify yuan Qi. This formula is best suited in conditions of yang deficiency with concomitant yuan Qi deficiency causing sudden collapse of yang Qi. In this condition the yin and yang are not able to reciprocate the building of one another and without each others support they are unable to function properly.


Indications and Symptoms for Shen Fu Tang
cold extremities, sweating, fatigued breathing, shortness of breath, dizziness, pale complexion Tongue - pale body Pulse - faint


Herbal Ingredients of Shen Fu Tang

Ren Shen (Radix ginseng, Ginseng Root)

- 12g. -tonify spleen Qi, tonify yuan Qi within the lungs

Fu Zi (Radix Lateralis Aconiti Carmichaeli, Szechuan Aconite Root, Aconite)

- 9g. -warms and tonify yang Qi


Cooking Preparation of Shen Fu Tang
This alternative medicine formula is usually decocted in water where both Sheng Jiang and Da Zao have been boiled and removed. Although in many formulas Ren Shen is replaced with Dang Shen, this formula must have Ren Shen for it's potent qualities in tonifying yuan Qi.


Additional Information on Shen Fu Tang
This is a life threatening condition when yang Qi collapses! This condition leaves the body with little ascending or descending functions as well as minimal entering and leaving functions. It is a severe condition and is traditionally administered intravenously if prescribed in Chinese Medicine Hospitals.