Sheng Hua Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Warms the Menses and Dispels Blood Stasis

Sheng Hua Tang

Generation and Transformation Decoction


Main Action of Sheng Hua Tang
The functions of this traditional chinese medicine formula are to promote blood circulation to eliminate blood stasis while warming the menses to alleviate pain. This TCM Herbal formula is best suited for conditions of Qi and blood deficiency after pregnancy when cold pathogens attack the deficient body. This cold pathogen produces blood stasis within the womb.


Indications and Symptoms for Sheng Hua Tang
retention of lochia accompanied by cold pain in the lower abdomen Tongue - pale purple, purple spots Pulse - thin, submerged, choppy


Herbal Ingredients of Sheng Hua Tang

Dang Gui (Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Chinese Angelica Root, Tang -kuei)

- 24g. -tonify and invigorate blood circulation, move blood stasis, nourish blood

Chuan Xiong (Radix Ligustici Chuanxiong, Szechuan Lovage Root, Enidium)

- 9g. -invigorate blood, move Qi

Tao Ren (Semen Persicae, Peach Kernel, Persica)

- 6 -9g. -promote blood circulation, move blood stasis

Pao Jiang (Quick Fried Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis Recens, Fried Fresh Ginger)

- 1.5g. -enters blood, expels cold, warms menstruation, alleviates pain

Zhi Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis, Honey Fried Licorice Root)

- 1.5g. -warms middle jiao, alleviates pain


Cooking Preparation of Sheng Hua Tang
When preparing this natural chinese Herbal formula yellow wind is used. Traditionally, young boy urine was also added because it was said to nourish the yin fluids and direct fire downwards while expelling blood stasis. Yong boy's urine is not used today. This Herbal formula is generally prepared as a decoction or prepared forms today.


Additional Information on Sheng Hua Tang
In the period directly after giving birth most women will be deficient in both blood and the ying Qi level. During this time the body is easily invaded by pathogenic cold which will stagnate the Qi and blood within the womb. When the appropriate symptoms are present this alternative medicine Herbal formula is able to treat retention of placental fragments within the uterus, lochioschesis, painful post partum uterine contractions and chronic endometritis.