Si Miao Yong An Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clear Heat and Relieve Toxicity

Si Miao Yong An Tang

Four Valiant Decoction for Well Being


Main Action of Si Miao Yong An Tang
This TCM Herbal formulas Main functions are to clear heat, relieve toxicity, nourish the yin, invigorate the blood and alleviate pain. The formula is most commonly used in conditions where fire toxins lead to obstruction of blood in the sinews and muscle layers creating painful difficult to heal ulcers and lesions.


Indications and Symptoms for Si Miao Yong An Tang
ulcerated sores that won't heal, dark red ulcers, slightly swollen and warm ulcers, extremely painful, rotten smell to lesions, copious discharge, fever, thirst Tongue - red Pulse - rapid


Herbal Ingredients of Si Miao Yong An Tang

Jin Yin Hua (Flos Lonicerae Japonicae, Honeysuckle Flower, Lonicera)

- 90g. -clear heat from Qi and blood levels, disperses swellings

Xuan Shen (Radix Scrophulariae, Ningpo Figwort Root, Scrophularia)

- 90g. -drains fire, relieves toxicity, nourishes the yin

Dang Gui (Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Chinese Angelica Root, tang -kuei)

- 60g. -invigorates blood, breaks up stasis

Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis, Licorice Root)

- 30g. -relieves toxicity, harmonizes other herbs


Cooking Preparation of Si Miao Yong An Tang
This alternative medicine Herbal formula should have a 10 day course of treatment.


Additional Information on Si Miao Yong An Tang
The effectiveness of this chinese medicine formula requires that the prescribed dosage does not decreased and should be used in cases of severe fire toxins with blood loss of injury to the yin. This formula has been used to treat disorders such as thromboangiitis obliterans, thrombosis in the limbs and gangrene.