Tao Hua Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Restrain Leakage From Intestines

Tao Hua Tang

Peach Blossom Decoction


Main Action of Tao Hua Tang
The functions of this traditional chinese medicine formula are to warm the middle jiao while binding up the bowels. This TCM Herbal formula is best suited for the first stage of dysentery due to damp heat injuring the spleen and stomach and transforming the disorder into deficiency cold with loss of fluids. The deficiency of yang pertains to both the spleen yang and the kidney yang. With this type of deficiency food is not able to be properly digested, transformed or transported which inhibits water metabolism and leads to damp cold obstruction.


Indications and Symptoms for Tao Hua Tang
chronic dysentery, dark blood and pus in stool, abdominal pain, pain alleviated by pressure and warmth Tongue - pale Pulse - slow, faint, thin


Herbal Ingredients of Tao Hua Tang

Chi Shi Zhi (Halloysitum Rubrum, Halloysite, Kaolin)

- 30g. -binds intestines, stops blood and pus from accumulating within stool

Gan Jiang (Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis, Dried ginger Rhizome, Ginger)

- 9g. -harmonize middle jiao, expels cold

Geng Mi (Non -glutinous Rice)

- 30g. -nourish stomach and intestines


Cooking Preparation of Tao Hua Tang
When preparing this natural chinese medicine formula only powder half of the Chi Shi Zhi while decocting the other half with the other two ingredients. When taking the decoction first take the powdered portion of the chi Shi Zhi followed by the decoction. This way of taking the Herbal ingredients will ensure that the substance itself reaches the intestines. Today's practitioners generally prescribe this Herbal formula as a powder.


Additional Information on Tao Hua Tang
Although Tao Hua Tang is able to tonify and bind the intestines it's ability to nourish deficiency is only slight. It's main function is to treat the symptoms by binding the intestines to stop diarrhea and not directly treat the root of the disease which is the deficiency of spleen and kidney yang. Once the diarrhea has been controlled a formula which directly treats the root of this disorder should be considered. When the appropriate symptoms are present this alternative medicine Herbal formula is able to treat such disorders as ulcerative colitis, crohn's disease, peptic ulcer, chronic dysentery and hemorrhoids.