The Extraordinary Yang Organs
Besides the regular Zang Fu organs, in Traditional Chinese Medicine theory there are 6 extraordinary Yang organs. They function like a Yin organ by storing essence (Kidney Essence, Marrow, or blood) and not excreting, but have the shape of a Yang organ (hollow). They are all directly or indirectly functionally related to the Kidneys.
This is considered the most important of the extraordinary organs. It regulates menstruation, conception and pregnancy. It is very closely related to the Kidneys, Ren and Chong Mai. Both Mai originate from the Kidneys and have major functions of regulating menstruation, conception and pregnancy, they also both flow through the Uterus. If Kidney Essence is strong, Ren and Chong flourish, hence the Uterus is nourished with Qi and blood. Since the Heart governs blood, the Liver stores the blood, and the Spleen controls the blood, the Uterus has very close relations with them. Disorders of blood associated with any of these organs directly effects the health and functioning of the Uterus, in particular the menstruation. For example, if the blood is deficient there can be amenorrhea. If the blood is hot there can be metrorrhagis or menorrhegia. If Liver Qi is stagnated there will be clotted menstrual blood and painful periods. The relationship between Liver blood and the Uterus is very important in practice. Disorders of reproduction on the other hand are often from weak Kidneys (miscarriage, infertility). The Uterus is also related to the Stomach via the connection from the Chong Mai. Morning sickness is usually due to changes in the Uterus explained through this connection.Brain
“The Sea of Marrowâ€. The Brain controls memory, concentration, sight, hearing, touch, and smell (the special senses). The Kidney Essence produces Marrow which fills the Brain and spinal cord. Therefore the Brain is closely related to the Kidneys both anatomically and functionally. The Brain also depends greatly on nourishment from Heart blood. If the Heart blood and the Kidney Essence are healthy the brain and it’s functions are normal.Marrow
This Marrow according to Traditional Chinese Medicine is the common substance which forms the bone-marrow, and fills the brain and spinal cord. It is produced by the Kidney Essence.Bones
The Bones are also related to the Kidneys. They are considered an extraordinary organ because they store bone-marrow. If the Kidney Essence or Marrow are deficient the Bones will be weak and easy to fracture or breakage. Treating the Kidneys can help with the healing of bone fractures or breaks.Blood Vessels
The Blood Vessels are considered an extraordinary organ because they contain blood. They can also be traced back to the Kidneys because the Kidneys produce bone-marrow and the bone-marrow contribute to the making of blood. Yuan Qi from the Kidneys also contributes to the transformation of Food (Gu) Qi into blood.Gallbladder
The Gallbladder is considered a Yang organ and an extraordinary organ because unlike other Yang organs it stores bile which is a refined essence. Otherwise it’s functions are discussed under the Fu organs.»
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