Whooping Cough
Whooping Cough (pertussis)
Spasmodic cough lasting a long duration followed by extreme inhale. Begins with wind cold or wind heat symptoms turning to heat which blocks the lungs. Cough is usually aggravated at night and has an incubation period of 1-3 weeks.
Chinese Medicine Differentiation and Treatment
Early stage common cold symptoms, Wind-Cold or Wind-Heat, cough starts, cough becomes frequent and worse at night
Principle of Treatment – expel pathogenic factors, promote Lungs function
Acupuncture points – hand Taiyin and yangming, Lu 7, LI 4, SJ 5, BL 12, ST 40 - fever- LI 11, Du 14 - cough- Ren 22
Herbal Medicine Formula: San Ao Tang
Spasming Cough stage
Acupuncture points – Lu 5, 6, 7, ST 36, BL 12, 13, Ren 17, LI 4 - blood in Phlegm- BL 17, Lu 10 - nosebleed- LI 20, Du 23
Herbal Medicine Formula: Sang Bai Pi Tang + Ting Li Da Zao Xie Fei Tang
Recovery stage
Principle of Treatment – strengthen Lung and Spleen
Acupuncture points – hand Taiyin, foot yangming, BL 13, 20, Lu 9, ST 36, KI 3, SP 6, BL 43 (yuan)
Herbal Medicine Formula: Lung and Spleen Qi Deficiency - Ren Shen Wu Wei Zi Tang Lung Yin Deficiency - Sha Shen Mai Men Dong Tang
Alternative Treatment Methods
tapping then cupping along Bladder meridian
auricular- sympathetic, LU, brochioles
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