Zhi Bao Dan

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clears Heat and Opens the Orifices

Zhi Bao Dan

Greatest Treasure Special Pill

Main Action of Zhi Bao Dan
The functions of this chinese medicine formula are to clear heat and open the sensory orifices by transforming turbidity and relieving toxicity. This TCM Herbal formula is best suited for conditions of phlegm heat creating a closed type of disorder associated with summer heat stroke, wind stroke or pathogenic heat entering the pericardium with turbid phlegm misting the heart orifices.

Indications and Symptoms for Zhi Bao Dan
fever, irritability, restlessness, delirious speech, impaired consciousness, possible coma, copious sputum, labored breathing, loud raspy breathing, spasms, convulsions Tongue - red or deep red body, greasy yellow coat Pulse - slippery, rapid

Herbal Ingredients of Zhi Bao Dan

Xi Jiao (Cornu Rhinoceri, Rhinoceros Horn)

- 30g. -clears ying level heat, cools blood

Niu Huang (Calculus Bovis, Cattle Gallstone, Bezoar)

- 15g. -clears heat, relieves toxicity, clears phlegm, opens up orifices

Dai Mao (Carapax Eretmochelydis Imbricatae)

- 30g. -sedates heart, calms liver, clears heat and toxicity, stops spasms and convulsions

Bing Pian (Borneol)

- 0.3g. -clears turbid phlegm, opens orifices

She Xiang (Secreti9o Moschus, Naval Secretions of Musk Deer, Musk)

- 0.3g. -clears turbid phlegm, opens orifices

An Xi Xiang (Benzoinum)

- 45g. -clears turbid phlegm, opens orifices

Zhu Sha (Cinnabaris, Cinnabar)

- 30g. -calms heart and spirit, relieve irritability

Hu Po (Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis, Magnolia Bark)

- 30g. -calms heart and spirit, relieve irritability

Xiong Huang (Realgar)

- 30g. -clears phlegm, relieves toxicity

Cooking Preparation of Zhi Bao Dan
When preparing this natural chinese Herbal formula all the ingredients should be ground into a fine powder and taken in 3 gram doses 1 -3 times per day with warm water. Today Shui Niu Jiao is used in place of Xi Jiao.

Additional Information on Zhi Bao Dan
When the appropriate symptoms are present this chinese medicine formula is able to treat such disorders as acute encephalitis, acute meningitis, cerebrovascular accident, pediatric and adult seizures, and hepatic coma.