Zhi Gan Cao Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Tonify Qi and Blood

Zhi Gan Cao Tang

Honey Fried Licorice Decoction

Main Action of Zhi Gan Cao Tang
The functions of this TCM Herbal formula is to tonify Qi and nourish yin and blood while restoring the pulse. The chinese medicine formula is best suited in conditions of Qi and blood deficiency of a consumptive condition. When heart Qi is deficient it is unable to control the blood in the vessels loosing it's vitality.

Indications and Symptoms for Zhi Gan Cao Tang
palpitations, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, emaciation, shortness of breath, constipation, dry mouth, dry throat Tongue - pale, shiny coat Pulse - irregular, slow, faint

Herbal Ingredients of Zhi Gan Cao Tang

Zhi Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis, Licorice Root)

- 12g. -tonify Qi, nourish heart

Ren Shen (Radix Ginseng, Ginseng Root)

- 6g. -tonify yuan Qi and all organs

Gui Zhi (Ramulus Cinnamormi Cassiae, Cinnamon, Cassia Twig)

- 9g. -regulates and promotes heart Qi

Sheng Di Huang (Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae, Chinese Foxglove Root, Rehmannia)

- 48g. -nourish heart yin, tonify blood

Mai Men Dong (Tuber Ophiopogonis Japonici, Ophiopogon Tuber)

- 9g. -nourish stomach yin and lungs

E Jiao (Gelatinum Corii Asini, Ass -hide Glue, Gelatin)

- 6g. -nourish yin, tonify blood, moistens dryness

Huo Ma ren (Semen Cannabis Sativae, Hemp Seeds, Cannabis Seeds, Linum)

- 9g. -nourish yin, moisten intestines

Sheng Jiang (Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis Recens, Fresh Ginger Rhizome) -

9g. -tonify stomach, harmonize other herbs within formula, harmonize ying and wei Qi levels

Da Zao (Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae, Chinese Date, Jujube)

- 30 pieces -tonify spleen, nourish heart, harmonize ying and wei Qi levels

Cooking Preparation of Zhi Gan Cao Tang
When preparing this natural medicine Herbal formula all ingredients should be decocted in one liter of water and rice wine mixture (7/15 wine - 8/15 water). Today rice wine is added (10 ml) at the end of the decocting time. The remaining liquid after decocting is divided into three equal parts (3 separate doses) and each dose should be taken over one day. E jiao (Gelatin) should be dissolved into the decoction and Huo Ma Ren (Cannabis Seed) should be ground into a coarse powder before adding to the decoction. Today Sheng Di Huang (Rehmannia) and Da Zao (Jujube) are used in smaller dosages to prevent their cloying nature.

Additional Information on Zhi Gan Cao Tang
Zhi Gan Cao Tang is a Chinese medicine formula which treats irregular pulse of either slow and irregular or knotted pulse (knotted - occasional dropped beat). There are other types of irregular pulse which can be treated by this formula. This Herbal formula is also called Fu Mai Tang (Restore the Pulse Decoction). This formula is similar to that of Gui Pi Tang (Restore the Spleen Decoction) because it tonifys both Qi and blood but it focuses mostly on spleen Qi rather than heart Qi deficiency. When the appropriate symptoms are present this Chinese Herbal formula is able to treat such diseases as supraventricular arrhythmia, rheumatic heart disdease, mitral stenosis, mitral valve prolapse, hyperthyroidism, pulmonary tuberculosis, emphysema and neurasthenia when the appropriate symptoms are present.