Zhong Man Fen Xiao Wan

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clear Damp Heat

Separate and Reduce Fullness in the Middle Pill

Main Action of Zhong Man Fen Xiao Wan
The functions of this TCM Herbal formula are to tonify the spleen and regulate Qi while draining heat and clearing dampness. The formula is best suited for conditions of drum like abdominal distention (Gu Zhang) due to heat. The heat within the body will disturb the transporting functions of the spleen which may originate from external pathogens, emotional factors, improper diet, excess sex or liver stagnation.

Indications and Symptoms for Zhong Man Fen Xiao Wan
abdominal distention, firmness and fullness in the abdomen which is accompanied by pain in the epigastrium, irritability, fever, bitter taste in the mouth, dark yellow urine, constipation, foul smelling diarrhea Tongue yellow greasy coat Pulse - wiry rapid

Herbal Ingredients of Zhong Man Fen Xiao Wan

Hou Po (Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis, Magnolia Bark)

- 30g. -promotes middle jiao Qi circulation, harmonize the stomach

Chao Zhi Shi (Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii, Dry Fried Immature Bitter Orange Fruit)

- 15g. -promotes middle jiao Qi circulation, harmonize the stomach

Jiang Huang (Rhizoma Curcumae Longae)

- 3g. -promotes Qi movement, harmonizes the stomach

Chao Huang Qin (Scutellariae Baicalensis, Baical Skullcap Root, Dry Fried Scutellaria)

- 36g. -drain dampness from epigastrium

Chao Huang Lian (Rhizoma Coptidis, Dry Fried Coptis Rhizome)

- 15g. -drain dampness from epigastrium

Gan Jiang (Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis, Dried Ginger Rhizome)

- 6g. -drain dampness from epigastrium

Ban Xia (Rhizoma Pinelliae Tematae Pinellia Rhizome)

- 15g. -drain dampness from epigastrium

Chao Zhi Mu (Rhizoma Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis, Dry Fried Anemarrhena Rhizome)

- 12g. -clears heat, tonify yin

Ze Xie (Rhizoma Alismatis Orientalitis, Water Plantain Rhizome, Alisma)

- 9g. -drains dampness

Zhu Ling (Sclerotium Polypori Umbellati, Polyporus Sclerotium)

- 3g. -drains dampness

Fu Ling (Sclerotium Poriae Cocos, China Root, Poria, Hoelen)

- 6g. -drains dampness

Bai Zhu (Rhizoma Atractyloids Macrocephaelae, Atractylodes White Rhizome)

- 3g. -tonify spleen Qi

Ren Shen (Radix Ginseng, Ginseng Root)

- 3g. -tonify spleen Qi, nourish yin

Zhi Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis, Licorice Root)

- 3g. -harmonize herbs within formula, tonifyQi

Chen Pi (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae, Tangerine Peel, Citrus)

- 9g. -regulate Qi

Sha Ren (Fructus Amomi, Grains of Paradise Fruit, Cardamon)

- 6g. -regulate Qi

Cooking Preparation of Zhong Man Fen Xiao Wan
This natural medicine Herbal formula is ground into a powder and rolled into small pills with the use of steam. Each dose is 6 -9 grams taken 2 -3 times per day with a glass of warm water.

Additional Information on Zhong Man Fen Xiao Wan
This Herbal formula treats both the fullness and swelling due to spleen deficiency as well as abdominal distention due to the heat within the body. This alternative medicine formula is made up of 5 different formulas (Si Jun Zi Tang, Xie Xin Tang, Er Chen Tang, Si Ling San, Ping Wei San) which creates this complex formula. This formula is able to treat the biomedically defined disease of ascites when the appropriate symptoms have been presented.