Postpartum Dizziness
Postpartum Dizziness
Diagnosis of Postpartum Dizziness
Postpartum dizziness is a common condition after a long exhausting labour by a new mother. This dizziness is often explained as spinning or lightheaded. It's most common after a significant amount of blood loss or a very long labor which exhausted the mother. Generally after delivery there can be sudden dizziness accompanied with blurred vision. In some cases the dizziness after delivery can be severe enough where the new mom isn't able to stand. There is also possible nausea and vomitting if the dizziness is severe enough.
Western Medicine sees several causes:
1 - Positional Dizziness (Vertigo) is one of the most common forms of dizziness postpartum which is diagnosed by only having the dizziness when the head is placed in specific positions.
2- Dizziness accompanied by Migraines - this is most common in women who had previously had migraines before pregnancy. Due to the hormonal changes with having a baby this may bring on the migraines and dizziness.
3 - Dizziness due to Perilymph fistula - this type of dizziness will come on during periods of straining like blowing ones nose or sneezing. This is caused by the changes in collagen during the pregnancy.
4- Dizziness accompanied with depression is due to physcological changes.
There are several common patterns which may cause postpartum dizziness in chinesemedicine.
Blood Insufficiency Dizziness
This pattern of postpartum dizziness follows a birth where there may have been an excess amount of blood loss during delivery. The new mom will also have a sense of cloudiness, poor memory, dizziness, blurred vision, pale complexion, nausea, irritability, fullness in chest, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, fainting, cold limbs, cold sweat, ...
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Blood Stasis Dizziness
Post partum dizziness associated with blood stasis can be caused by several different factors.The trauma of child birth may cause stagnation and poor blood circulation which leads to dizziness. There will be lots of pain which is stabbing and severe in nature and dark clotted lochia discharge.
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Alternative Treatment Methods
Diet can also be a good treatment during the postpartum time for many different disorders and not just dizziness. In most cases a diet high in iron rich, easily digestable foods is best.
Acupuncture also offers a natural and effective treatment for postpartum dizziness. Making sure you see a practitioner with experience in the treatment of womens health and pregnancy will achieve the best results.