Health Women's

Xian Qi Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas For Womens Health and Pregnancy Disorders

Xian Qi Tang


Main Action of Xian Qi Tang
This Herbal formula functions are to nourish blood and clear blood heat.

Xian Ru Yong Quan San

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas For Womens Health and Pregnancy Disorders

Xian Ru Yong Quan San

Xia Ru Yong Quan San


Promoting Lactation Gushing Spring Powder


Xiang Ai Xiong Dang Yin

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas For Womens Health and Pregnancy Disorders

Xiang Ai Xiong Dang Yin

Cyperus Artemisia Ligusticum Angelica Decoction


Main Action of Xiang Ai Xiong Dang Yin
The functions of this TCM Herbal formula is to move Qi, invigorate blood and warm the uterus to eliminate stagnation. This traditional chinese medicine formula is best suited for conditions where there is retention of the lochia after childbirth due to Qi and blood stagnation.

Xiao Ying Jian

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas For Womens Health and Pregnancy Disorders

Xiao Ying Jian

Main Action of Xiao Ying Jian
This tcm Herbal formulas functions are to nourish yin and blood while regulating the Chong and Ren meridians.

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