Canker Sores
Canker Sores - Mouth Sores
Sores which are found inside the mouth which have a red base and a white head.
Chinese Medicine Treatment Of Canker Sores:
Wind Heat - concomitant sores with a cold - cough, headache, fever, aversion to cold
Herbal Formula: Liang Ge San
Heart Fire - canker sores mostly on tongue, irritability, thirsty, scanty dark urine (W.M. - usually compared to viral infections)
Herbal Formula: Xie Xin Dao Chi Tang
Deficiency Fire - chronic canker sores which are mildly painful
Herbal Formula: Liu Wei Di Huang Wan + Rou Gui (bring fire back to Kidneys) + Qi Tonic
External Application:
Wu Zhu Yu powder + Vinegar plaster applied on KD
Prevention: eat fresh fruit and veggies or if mother is breast feeding mother should eat deep green veggies and stay away from greasy, spicy, sweet foods