Chicken Pox
Chicken Pox - Varicella-Zoster Virus
Chicken pox starts off with a mild headache and fatigue 1 - 15 days after exposure preceding the eruptions by 24-36 hours.
The initial rash has macular eruption which evolve into a itchy teardrop vesicle containing clear fluid with a red areola. These vesicles will begin to crust within 6-8 hours.
Usually the whole body will be infected with eruptions including possible sites as the mucous membranes. The eruptions will continuously appear for 4 - 7 days with the majority of them being crusted by the 6th day. Most crusts will disappear in 20 days after onset.
Chinese Medicine Treatment Of Chicken Pox:
Blood Stasis - Tao Hong Si Wu Tang
Wind Heat - Yin Qiao San
Wind Damp - Chi Shi Wei Ling Tang