Gua Di

Latin name:  Cucumeris, Pedicelllus

Gui Di  Also Known As: Melon Pedicle, Tian Gua Di, Xiang Gua Di, Ku Ding Xiang


Dosage: 2.5 - 5g, 0.3 - 1.0g in powder

Meridians/Channels: STOMACH

  • Induces vomitting to relieve phelgm-heat or retained food especially above the abdomen - seizures, mania, painfull obstruction of throat, irritability, and insomnia
  • Dispels damp-heat and relieves jaundice with dampness

Also Used For: Gua Di may be given intranasally for the treatment of   recalcitrant jaundice of the face and eyes with headaches with a predisposition of dampness.