Han Fang Ji

Latin name: Stephaniae Tetrandrae Radix

Han Fang Ji Also Known As: Stephania Root, Birthwort, Long Birthwort, Pelican Flower, Red River Snakeroot, Sangree Root, Sangrel, Serpentaria, Snakeroot, Snakeweed, Texas Snakeroot, Virginia Serpentary, Virginia Snakeroot. Aristolochia auricularia; Aristolochia clematitis; Aristolochia fangchi; Aristolochia heterophylla; Aristolochia kwangsiensis; Aristolochia moupinensis; Aristolochia reticulata; Aristolochia serpentaria; other Aristolochia species.

Family: Aristolochiaceae.


Dosage: 3-9g.

Meridians/Channels: BLADDER, SPLEEN, KIDNEY

  • edema in lower part of body
  • easily damages stomach due to cold.

Also Used For: Orally, stephania root is used as an aphrodisiac, anticonvulsant, immune stimulant, and to promote menstruation. It is also used orally to treat allergic gastrointestinal colic and gallbladder colic.