Kun Bu
Latin name: Algae, Thallus
Kun Bu Also Known As: Kelp, Black Tang, Bladder Fucus, Bladder Wrack, Blasentang, Cutweed, Fucus, Kelp, Kelp-Ware, Kelpware, Knotted Wrack, Meereiche, Quercus Marina, Rockweed, Rockwrack, Schweintang, Seawrack, Tang, Varech. Ascophyllum nodosum; Fucus vesiculosis; other Fucus species and other brown seaweed species.
Properties: SALTY - COLD
Dosage: 4.5-15g.
Meridians/Channels: KIDNEY, LIVER, STOMACH
- reduce phlegm, soften hardness -nodules in neck, fullness in chest due to phlegm
- promote urination, reduce swelling - lower extremity edema
Also Used For: Orally, Kun Bu (Kelp) is used for thyroid disorders, iodine deficiency, lymphadenoid goiter, myxedema, obesity, arthritis, and rheumatism. In folk medicine, Kun Bu (Kelp) is used for arteriosclerosis, digestive disorders, "blood cleansing," constipation, bronchitis, emphysema, genitourinary disorders, decreased resistance to disease, anxiety, skin diseases, burns, and insect bites.
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