Mu Li

Latin name: Ostreae, Concha

Mu Li Also Known As: Oyster Shell Calcium Similar Too: Bone Meal, Calcium Acetate, Calcium Aspartate, Calcium Carbonate, Calcium Chelate, Calcium Chloride, Calcium Citrate, Calcium Citrate Malate, Calcium Gluconate, Calcium Lactate, Calcium Lactogluconate, Calcium Orotate, Calcium Phosphate, Di-calcium Phosphate, Dicalcium Phosphate, Heated Oyster Shell-Seaweed Calcium, Hydroxyapatite, Oyster Shell Calcium, Tricalcium Phosphate. Calcium; Ca; atomic number 20.


Dosage: 15-30g.

Meridians/Channels: LIVER, KIDNEY

  • calms spirit - palpitations, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia
  • benefits Yin, anchors floating Yang - irritable, H/A, tinnitus
  • prevents leakage of fluids due to deficiency
  • softens hardness, dissipate nodules - lumps, scrofula, goiter
  • absorbs acidity - stomach pain, sour taste in mouth

Also Used For: Orally, calcium is used for treatment and prevention of hypocalcemia, osteoporosis, rickets, and latent tetany. It is also used orally for hypoparathyroidism, osteomalacia, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), leg cramps associated with pregnancy, and reducing the risk of colorectal cancer. Calcium is also used orally for diarrhea and rectal epithelial hyperproliferation following intestinal bypass, reducing excess fluoride levels in children, hypertension, and high low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels. Calcium carbonate is used orally as an antacid. Calcium carbonate and calcium acetate are also used orally as phosphate binders in renal failure. Intravenously, calcium gluconate, acetate, gluceptate or chloride are used for severe hypocalcemia and hypocalcemic tetany, and during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Calcium gluconate and gluceptate are also given intramuscularly when intravenous administration is not possible.