Mu Zei

Latin name: Herba Equiseti Hiemalis

Mu Zei Also Known As: Horsetail, Scouring Rush, Shave Grass, Bottle Brush, Corn Horsetail, Dutch Rushes, Equisetum, Field Horsetail, Horse Tail, Horse Willow, Horsetail Grass, Horsetail Rush, Paddock-Pipes, Pewterwort, Prele, Scouring Rush, Souring Rush, Shave Grass, Shavegrass, Toadpipe. Equisetum arvense; Equisetum telmateia.


Dosage: 3-9g.

Meridians/Channels: LIVER, LUNG

  • disperse wind-heat
  • red-painful eyes, blurred vision, pterygium
  • clear heat, stop bleeding - blood in stool, haemorrhoids

Also Used For: Orally, Mu Zei/Horsetail is used for diuresis, edema, kidney and bladder stones, urinary tract infections, and general disturbances of the kidney and bladder. It is also used for alopecia, tuberculosis, brittle fingernails, rheumatic diseases, gout, frostbite, profuse menstruation, and nasal, pulmonary, and gastric hemorrhage. Topically, Mu Zei/Horsetail is used for supportive treatment of wounds and burns.