Niu Huang

Latin name: Bovis, Calculus

Niu Huang Also Known As: cattle gallstone, bezoar, xi huang, chou bao

Properties: BITTER, SWEET - COOL

Dosage: 0.15g - 1g

Meridians/Channels: HEART, LIVER

  • Clears the heart, opens the orfices, awakens the spirit and vaporizes phelgm for the treament of delirium and coma  due to hot febrile  disease or hot phelgm
  • Wind stroke or convulsions
  • Clears the Liver and extinguishes wind for tremors or spasms
  • Drains heat and toxicity for throat or other hot swellings

Caution: Not to be used with Long gu, Sheng Di Hunag, Long Dan Cao, Chang Shan, and counteracts Niu Xi according to some traditional sources.