Si Ni San

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Harmonizes Liver and Spleen

Si Ni San

Frigid Extremities Powder


Main Action of Si Ni San
This chinese medicine Herbal formula releases pathogenic factors, promotes liver Qi circulation and regulates the spleen. The formula is best suited for Yang Jue (yang or Hot collapse) where yang Qi is constrained due to heat entering the interior.


Indications and Symptoms for Si Ni San
cold fingers and toes (body feels warm), irritability, fullness in the chest, abdominal pain with possible diarrhea. The Main indication is cold hands and feet! Tongue - red body, yellow coat Pulse - wiry


Herbal Ingredients of Si Ni San

Chai Hu (Radix Bupleuri, Hares Ear Root, Thorowax Root)

- 9 -12g. -regulate liver Qi, clear heat, ascending action

Zhi Shi (Fructus Immaqturus Citri Aurantii, Immature Fruit of Bitter Orange)

- 9 -12g. -drains middle jiao stagnation, descending action

Bai Shao Yao (Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae, White Peony Root, Peony)

- 12 -24g. -nourish liver yin

Zhi Gan Cao (Honey -fried Radix Glycyrrhiaze Uralensis)

- 6 -9g. -alleviates colicky pain, harmonizes other herbs in this formula


Cooking Preparation of Si Ni San
Grind all natural herbs into a fine powder and take in 6 -9gram doses.


Additional Information on Si Ni San
This TCM Herbal formula is also used today for the treatment of liver Qi rebellion which attacks the stomach with hypochondriac pain and distention. When the appropriate symptoms are present this alternative medicine formula is able to treat gastritis, peptic ulcers, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, hepatitis, intestinal obstruction, mastitis and fibrocystic breasts.