Breast Disorders

Long Dan Xie Gan Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clear Heat From The Organs

Long Dan Xie Gan Tang

Gentiana Longdancao Decoction to Drain the Liver

Main Action of Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
This Main action of this chinese medicine formula is to clear liver fire and gallbladder fire. It is also effective to eliminate damp heat in the san jiao butMainly the lower jiao.

Si Ni San

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Harmonizes Liver and Spleen

Si Ni San

Frigid Extremities Powder


Main Action of Si Ni San
This chinese medicine Herbal formula releases pathogenic factors, promotes liver Qi circulation and regulates the spleen. The formula is best suited for Yang Jue (yang or Hot collapse) where yang Qi is constrained due to heat entering the interior.

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