
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clear Heat From The Organs

Long Dan Xie Gan Tang

Gentiana Longdancao Decoction to Drain the Liver

Main Action of Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
This Main action of this chinese medicine formula is to clear liver fire and gallbladder fire. It is also effective to eliminate damp heat in the san jiao butMainly the lower jiao.

Xiao Chai Hu Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Harmonizes Shao Yang Disorders

Xiao Chai Hu Tang

Minor Bupleurum Decoction


Main Action of Xiao Chai Hu Tang
This chinese medicine Herbal formula harmonizes and releases the lesser yang -stage disorders. It will balance the liver and spleen. This formula is designed to treat half exterior and half interior disease where there is a struggle between pathogenic Qi (evil Qi) and ying Qi (normal Qi).

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