Pink Eye - Conjunctivitis

Bai Tou Weng Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clear Heat From The Organs

Pulsatilla Decoction

Main Action of Bai Tou Weng Tang The functions of this chinese medicine Herbal formula are to clear toxic heat, cool the blood and alleviate dysenteric disorders. The formula is best suited for hot dysenteric disorders due to toxic heat searing the stomach and intestines.

Liang Ge San

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Purge Heat Accumulations Downwards

Liang Ge San

Cool the Diaphragm Powder

Main Action of Liang Ge San
This chinese medicine Herbal formulas functions are to drain fire and unblock the bowels by clearing the upper jiao and draining the middle jiao. The formula isMainly used in conditions where heat accumulates in the middle jiao with blazing heat in the upper jiao. Indications and Symptoms for Liang Ge San Heat sensation in the chest and abdomen, irritability, delirious speech, thirst, flushed face, red lips, mouth and tongue sores, sore throat, swollen tongue, red eyes, nosebleed, constipation, dark scanty urine Tongue - red body, dry yellow coat Pulse - rapid, slippery

Long Dan Xie Gan Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clear Heat From The Organs

Long Dan Xie Gan Tang

Gentiana Longdancao Decoction to Drain the Liver

Main Action of Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
This Main action of this chinese medicine formula is to clear liver fire and gallbladder fire. It is also effective to eliminate damp heat in the san jiao butMainly the lower jiao.

Sang Ju Yin

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Release Exterior Wind Heat Disorders

Sang Ju Yin

Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Decoction


Main Action of Sang Ju Yin
The Main function of this alternative medicine Herbal formula is too release exterior wind heat and to stop cough. It promotes the proper flow of lung Qi

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