
Da Cheng Qi Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Purge Heat Accumulations Downwards

Major Order The Qi Decoction

Main Action of Da Cheng Qi Tang
This chinese medicine Herbal formula vigorously purges heat accumulation in the middle and lower jiao

Da Huang Fu Zi Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Warms Yang and Guides Out Accumulations

Rhubarb and Prepared Aconite Decoction

Main Action of Da Huang Fu Zi Tang
This chinese medicine Herbal formulas functions are to warm the interior, disperse cold and unblock the bowels while relieving pain. The formula is best suited for conditions of cold accumulation in the middle burner obstructing Qi flow in the yang organs.

Da Xian Xiong Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Purge Heat Accumulations Downwards

Major Sinking Into the Chest Decoction

Main Action of Da Xian Xiong Tang
This chinese medicine Herbal formulas functions are to drain heat and drive out dampness by flushing downwards. The formula is mainly used to treat the pattern of clumping in the chest arising when heat and internal accumulation of fluids are stagnated.

Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Stabilize the Exterior and the Lungs

Tangkuei and Six yellow Decoction

Main Action of Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang
The functions of this traditional chinese medicine formula are to nourish yin, clear heat and stabilize the exterior while stopping sweating. This TCM Herbal formula is best suited for conditions of night sweats caused by deficiency fire. The kidney yin is deficiency and is unable to control the heart fire which burns excessively creating deficiency fire.

Ji Chuan Jian

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Moisten Intestines and Unblock Bowels

Ji Chuan Jian

Benefit the River Flow Decoction

Main Action of Ji Chuan Jian
This chinese medicine Herbal formulas functions are to warm the kidneys and moisten the intestines to unblock the bowels. The formula is Mainly used to treat conditions where there is kidney yang and Qi deficiency. The kidneys are unable to warm and transform the water and water is not moved from the bladder resulting in copious urination drying out the intestines leading to constipation with hard dry stools.

Ke Xue Fang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clears Heat and Stops Bleeding

Ke Xue Fang

Coughing of Blood Formula

Main Action of Ke Xue Fang
The functions of this traditional chinese medicine formula are to clear fire and transform phlegm while preserving the lungs to stop cough and bleeding. This TCM Herbal formula is best suited for conditions of thick blood streaked sputum due to liver fire attacking the lungs.

Liang Ge San

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Purge Heat Accumulations Downwards

Liang Ge San

Cool the Diaphragm Powder

Main Action of Liang Ge San
This chinese medicine Herbal formulas functions are to drain fire and unblock the bowels by clearing the upper jiao and draining the middle jiao. The formula isMainly used in conditions where heat accumulates in the middle jiao with blazing heat in the upper jiao. Indications and Symptoms for Liang Ge San Heat sensation in the chest and abdomen, irritability, delirious speech, thirst, flushed face, red lips, mouth and tongue sores, sore throat, swollen tongue, red eyes, nosebleed, constipation, dark scanty urine Tongue - red body, dry yellow coat Pulse - rapid, slippery

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