Glomerular Nephritis
Ba Zheng San
Submitted by admin on Wed, 2006-11-15 01:44.Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clear Damp Heat
Eight Herb Powder for Rectification
Main Action of Ba Zheng San
The functions of this TCM Herbal formula are to clear heat and drain dampness by inducing urination. This chinese medicine formula is best suited in conditions of urinary tract infections where there is hot or bloody painful urination due to damp heat accumulation within the lower jiao. This condition is found more in individuals who eat a rich diet with excessive amounts of spicy or sweet foods.
Bei Xie Fen Qing Yin
Submitted by admin on Wed, 2006-11-15 01:34.Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Warm and Transform Water and Dampness
Dioscorea Hypoglauca Decoction to Separate the Clear
Main Action of Bei Xie Fen Qing Yin
The functions of this TCM Herbal formula are to warm the kidneys and drain dampness while transforming and separating turbidity from clear fluids. This chinese medicine formula is best suited in conditions of cloudy urine with pain upon urination (urinary tract infections). Bei Xie Fen Qing Yin treats kidney Qi deficiency by tonifying kidney Qi and stabilizing water and the bladder.
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
Submitted by admin on Wed, 2006-11-15 01:29.- Blood Deficiency - Low White Blood Cell Count
- Blood Deficiency - Anemia - Red Blood Cell Low
- Bronchitis Treatment
- Dizziness
- Eye Health
- Eye Lid Drooping
- Fatigue
- Formulas
- Glomerular Nephritis
- Hemorrhoids
- Hepatitis
- High Cholesterol
- Infertility
- Irregular Uterine Bleeding
- Lack of Breast Milk
- Lochia Retention
- Periods - Bleeding Between
- Periods - Irregular Bleeding
- Postpartum Dizziness
- Prolapsed Uterus
- Rectal Prolapse
- Vaginal Discharge
Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Tonify Qi
Tonify the Middle and Augment the Qi decoction
Main Action of Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
The functions of this TCM Herbal formula are to tonify the middle jiao Qi and raise sunken yang. The formula is best suited to treat prolapsed spleen and stomach qi deficiency which leads to middle jiao yang Qi sinking. The flesh is deprived of proper nourishment and becomes flaccid and the body begins to collapse inwards. Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang is one of the most popular formulas used to today in the treatment of prolapsed organs (stomach, uterus, †¦).
Da Xian Xiong Tang
Submitted by admin on Wed, 2006-11-15 01:15.Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Purge Heat Accumulations Downwards
Major Sinking Into the Chest Decoction
Main Action of Da Xian Xiong Tang
This chinese medicine Herbal formulas functions are to drain heat and drive out dampness by flushing downwards. The formula is mainly used to treat the pattern of clumping in the chest arising when heat and internal accumulation of fluids are stagnated.
Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang
Submitted by admin on Wed, 2006-11-15 01:10.Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Stabilize the Exterior and the Lungs
Tangkuei and Six yellow Decoction
Main Action of Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang
The functions of this traditional chinese medicine formula are to nourish yin, clear heat and stabilize the exterior while stopping sweating. This TCM Herbal formula is best suited for conditions of night sweats caused by deficiency fire. The kidney yin is deficiency and is unable to control the heart fire which burns excessively creating deficiency fire.
Dang Gui Shao Yao San
Submitted by admin on Wed, 2006-11-15 01:09.Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Tonify Blood
Tangkuei and Peony Powder
Main Action of Dang Gui Shao Yao San
The functions of this TCM Herbal formula are to nourish liver blood, promote liver Qi circulation, tonify spleen Qi and resolve dampness. This chinese medicine formula is best suited for disharmony between the liver and spleen leading to abdominal pain and other digestive complaints.
Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang
Submitted by admin on Wed, 2006-11-15 00:55.Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas Which Promotes Urination and Leaches Out Dampness
Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang
Stephania and Astragalus Decoction
Main Action of Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang
This TCM Herbal formulas functions are to tonify the Qi (Mainly lung and spleen Qi) while promoting urination and reducing edema. This formula is best suited in conditions where there is wind dampness causing edema (Feng Shui) or wind edema in Chinese. This is caused by a deficiency in the exterior giving rise to unusual sweating symptoms due to lung Qi deficiency and a heavy sensation of the body due to spleen Qi deficiency.