Skin Disorders
Skin Disorders
General Disorders of the Skin are Diagnosed as:
1. Changes in the functioning of the Endocrine system
2. May indicate internal diseases (think cancer first, diabetes second, then others)
Chinese Medicine – basic pattern – deficiency
Etiology (causes): Vital Qi deficiency
1. Blood deficiency
Herbal Formulas: Gui Pi Tang, Ba Zhen Tang, Si Wu Tang
2. Yin deficiency dryness
Herbal Formula: combo both these and blood deficiency formulas with Qi tonics
3. Mixed
4. drug toxicity (mostly in blood – Spleen, Liver, Heart) - Zi Cao, Jin Yin Hua, Pu Gong Ying, Mu Dan Pi, Xuan Shen, Lian Qiao (floating minister fire), Lian Zi Xin
Herbal Formulas: – Si Ni San - Xie Huang San - Xie Bai San - Xiao Chai Hu Tang - Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San - Yu Jue Wan
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