Su Zi

Latin name: Perillae Frutescentis, Fructus

Su Zi Also Known As: Purple Perilla Fruit, Beefsteak Plant, Wild Coleus. Perilla frutescens.

Properties: PUNGENT - WARM

Dosage: 4.5-9g.

Meridians/Channels: LARGE INTESTINE, LUNG

  • stops coughing and wheezing
  • redirects rebellion Qi Downward and dissolves phlegm
  • moistens intestines

Also Used For: Orally, Su Zi is used for treating asthma. It is also used orally for nausea, sunstroke, inducing sweating, and as an antispasmodic. In foods, perilla is used as a flavoring. Manufacturing, perilla seed oil is used commercially in the production of varnishes, dyes, and inks.