Tian Hua Fen

Latin name: Trichosanthis Kirilowii, Radix

Tian Hua Fen Also Known As: Trichosanthes Root, Chinese Snake Gourd, Compound Q, Tian Hua Fen, Tian-Hua-Fen, Trichosanthes.

Properties: BITTER, SWEET - COLD

Dosage: 9-15g.

Meridians/Channels: LUNG, STOMACH

  • drains lung heat - transforms phlegm - moistens lung dryness
  • drains heat, generates fluids - thirst, irritability, cough, thick sputum
  • relieves toxicity, expels pus - toxic hot carbuncles, breast abscess

Also Used For: Orally, Chinese cucumber root is used to treat HIV infection. Intramuscularly, Chinese cucumber root is used to induce abortions (by intramuscular injection). Chinese medicine, cucumber root is used orally to treat coughs, fever, swelling, tumors and diabetes. A starch extract is used for treating abscesses, amenorrhea, jaundice, frequent urination, and tumors.