Ye Ju Hua

Latin name: Chrysanthemi Indici, Flos

Ye Ju Hua Also Known As: Wild Chrysanthemum Flower, Florist's Chrysanthemum, Ju Hua, Mum. Anthemis grandiflorum; Anthemis stipulacea; Chrysanthemum morifolium; Chrysanthemum sinense; Chrysanthemum stipulaceum; Dendranthema morifolium; Matricaria morifolia.


Dosage: 6-12g.

Meridians/Channels: LUNG, LIVER

  • clear toxic heat and fire - carbuncles, swollen throat, wind-fire, red eyes

Also Used For: Orally, chrysanthemum is frequently used in herbal combinations. In one specific combination with seven other herbs (PC-SPES), the dried chrysanthemum flower is used to treat prostate cancer. In combination with licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis) and Panax notoginseng, the dried chrysanthemum flower is used to treat precancerous lesions. The chrysanthemum product, jiangtangkang, is used to treat non-insulin dependent diabetes. Folk medicine, the dried chrysanthemum flower is widely used as an antipyretic, to clear the eye and the mind, and as an antitoxin. It is also used orally for colds, headache, dizziness, and swelling. In southern China, chrysanthemum flower is very popular as a summertime tea.