Zhi Shi

Latin name: Citri Aurantii, Fructus Imaturus

Zhi Shi Also Known As: Aurantii Pericarpium, Bitter Orange Flower, Bitter Orange Peel, Green Orange, Kijitsu, Neroli Oil, Seville Orange, Shangzhou Zhiqiao, Sour Orange, Zhi Qiao, Zhi Shi.Citrus aurantium, synonyms Citrus aurantium amara, Citrus bergamia, Citrus bigaradia, Citrus vulgaris.


Dosage: 6-15g.

Meridians/Channels: SPLEEN, KIDNEY, BLADDER

  • break up Qi stagnation, reduce accumulations
  • transform phlegm, expel focal distention - abdominal pain, indigestion,constipation
  • used with Qi tonifying herbs for prolapse of organs
  • raise blood pressure

Also Used For: Bitter orange peel is used as an appetite stimulant and for dyspepsia. Bitter orange fruit and peel are also used orally for weight loss and nasal congestion. The bitter orange flower and its oil are used orally for gastrointestinal (GI) disturbances, duodenal ulcers, constipation, regulating blood lipid levels, lowering blood sugar in diabetes, blood purification, functional disorders of liver and gallbladder, stimulation of the heart and circulation, frostbite, as a sedative for sleep disorders, for kidney and bladder diseases, general feebleness, anemia, imbalances of mineral metabolism, impurities of the skin, and hair loss. Topically, bitter orange peel is used for inflammation of the eyelid, conjunctiva, and retina; retinal hemorrhage; exhaustion accompanying colds; headaches; neuralgia; muscular pain; rheumatic discomfort; bruises; phlebitis; and bed sores. Aromatherapy, the essential oil of bitter orange is used topically and by inhalation as an analgesic. Traditionally, bitter orange peel is used as a tonic, antiflatulent, and for cancer. Food use, bitter orange oil is approved as a flavoring agent by the FDA. In manufacturing, bitter orange oil is used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and soaps.