Irregular Uterine Bleeding

Shen Fu Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Rescues Devastated Yang

Shen Fu Tang

Ginseng and Prepared Aconite Decoction


Main Action of Shen Fu Tang
The functions of this TCM Herbal formula are to restore injured yang Qi and tonify yuan Qi. This formula is best suited in conditions of yang deficiency with concomitant yuan Qi deficiency causing sudden collapse of yang Qi. In this condition the yin and yang are not able to reciprocate the building of one another and without each others support they are unable to function properly.

Shi Hui San

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clears Heat and Stops Bleeding

Shi Hui San

Ten Partially Charred Substances


Main Action of Shi Hui San
The functions of this chinese medicine formula are to cool the blood and stop bleeding. This TCM Herbal formula is best suited for conditions of fire blazing in the middle and upper jiao which injures the blood vessels. Excessive heat (generally caused by liver fire attacking the stomach) creates reckless movement of blood which spills out of the channels. The excessive fire pushes blood upwards creating the middle jiao and upper jiao bleeding signs.

Si Sheng Wan

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clears Heat and Stops Bleeding

Si Sheng Wan

Four Fresh Pill


Main Action of Four Fresh Pill
The functions of this natural chinese medicine formula is to cool the blood to stop bleeding. This TCM Herbal formula is best suited for conditions of upper jiao heat in the blood leading reckless moving of blood and bleeding symptoms.

Wei Jing Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clear Heat From The Organs

Wei Jing Tang

Reed Decoction


Main Action of Wei Jing Tang
This chinese medicine Herbal formulas functions are to clear lung heat, transform phlegm, drive out blood stasis and discharge pus. Themain use of this formula is to treat lung abscess due to toxic heat obstructing the lungs with phlegm and blood stagnation. Indications and Symptoms for Wei Jing Tang cough, foul smelling sputum, blood streaked sputum, fever, mild chest pain, dry scaly skin Tongue - red body, greasy yellow coat Pulse - slippery rapid

Wen Jing Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Warm the Menses and Dispels Blood Stasis

Wen Jing Tang

Warm the Menses Decoction


Main Action of Wen Jing Tang
The function of this traditional chinese Herbal formula are to warm the menstruation and expel cold while nourishing the blood and expelling stasis. This TCM Herbal formula is best suited for conditions of deficiency cold obstructing blood and creating blood stasis in the Sea of Blood.

Xian Qi Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas For Womens Health and Pregnancy Disorders

Xian Qi Tang


Main Action of Xian Qi Tang
This Herbal formula functions are to nourish blood and clear blood heat.

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