Nose Bleed
Nose Bleed - Epistaxis
The nose is one of the most common places we can bleed from as it has many blood vessels and it protrudes away from the safety of the face. This section is more situated for non traumatic nose bleeds meaning nose bleeds due to some sort of physical event such as hitting ones nose. If we are noticing nose bleeds occuring without trauma this section will help offer some natural therapies to possibly cure this condition.
Chronic nose bleeds may be a sign of a serious illness and should be diagnosed by a medical doctor if persisting over a long period of time, bleeding a profuse amount for a long time or dizziness due to blood loss.
Nose bleeds are common when the nasal membrane is dry and cracks allowing the blood to escape into the nasal cavity. This may be caused by living in a dry environment such as a desert or a dry season in the area you live like winter. Nose bleeds are also more common in people who have chronic rhinitis, alcoholism, high blood pressure, on blood thinning medications, or certain infections.
Wind Heat:
This acute type of nose bleed will come on suddenly and be associated with a fever, red face, possible sweating, aversion to heat and possible sore throat. The nose bleed will be off and on for a week or 2 while the person is fighting a cold
Herbal Formula: Yin Qiao San
Stomach Heat:
Nose bleed which is chronic or related to diet. There will be bright red blood, recurrent bleeding gums, bad breath, big appetite, feverishness and red face.
Herbal Formula: Qing Wei San
Liver Fire:
Emotional upset, anger, frustration relates to this type of nose bleed. The nose will bleed after intense conversations, angry encounters or prolonged stress. There will commonly be headaches, red eyes, red face and a history of stress.
Herbal Formula: Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
Lung yin Deficiency:
Yin deficiency nose bleed will have a history of dry skin, dry nose which cracks easily, usually nose bleeds will NOT be profuse and the patient will have a history of feeling feverish at night, dry cough which has slight phlegm or no phlegm being coughed up. There will also commonly be dry skin.
Herbal Formula: Yang Yin Qing Fei Tang
Liver - Kidney Yin Deficiency:
A nose bleed which is chronic and associated with dry skin, weak nails, dry eyes and dry nose. The nose will crack easilly allowing a blood vessel to bleed. There will be feverishness at night, yellow urine, poor sleep and possible night sweats.
Herbal Formula: Ling Yang Gou Tang Tang
Spleen Qi Deficiency:
This patient will have chronic nose bleeds associated with fatigue, digestive problems such as bloating and loose stools. The nose bleeds may be associated with a history of excessive amounts of studying leading to poor sleep, poor digestion and loose stools.
Herbal Formula: Gui Pi Tang
during a nose bleed the main objective is to stop the nose from bleeding. If the nose bleed is profuse for a long time medical intervention may be needed before too much blood is lost. The following are the main things which should be done to stop the bleed:
A - first stop what you are doing and find a safe place to rest
B - pinch the nose on the soft parts between the thumb and finger while pushing towards the bones of the face.
C - leaning back allows the blood to flow back into the sinuses and into the throat possibly causing gagging.
D - stay in the resting position with your head up for atleast 5 minutes
E - ice may be applied to the nose and cheek area to help the capillaries constrict and decrease any swelling which may have occured.
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