Asthma - Wheezing

Xie Bai San

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clear Heat From The Organs

Xie Bai San

Drain the White Powder

Main Action of Xie Bai San
This chinese medicine Herbal formulas functions are to drain lung heat and calm wheezing. The formula is mainly used in conditions where constrained heat in the lungs causes lung Qi to rebel. Indications and Symptoms for Xie Bai San coughing, cough worse at night, wheezing, fever, fever aggravated in evening, dry mouthy, difficult to expectorate sputum Tongue - red body, yellow coat Pulse - thin, rapid

Yang Yin Qing Fei Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas Which Nourish Yin and Moistens Dryness

Yang Yin Qing Fei Tang

Nourish the Yin and Clear the Lungs Decoction

Main Action of Yang Yin Qing Fei Tang
This TCM Herbal formulas functions are to nourish the yin clear the lungs and relieve toxicity. This formula is best suited for individuals with chronic yin deficiency and internal stagnated heat who contract an external toxin. The external toxin will continue to attack the yin fluids leading to empty heat flaring upwards giving rise to a distinctive white, curd -like membrane in the throat.

Yu Ye Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas Which Nourish Yin and Moistens Dryness

Yu Ye Tang

Jade Fluid Decoction

Main Action of Yu Ye Tang
This TCM Herbal formulas functions are to tonify the Qi while generating fluids to moisten dryness and alleviate thirst. The formula is best suited in conditions where there is a wasting thirst disorder due to kidney yin deficiency and a dry stomach. The Qi in this condition is too deficient to spread the yin fluids properly throughout the body leading to copious urination or turbid urination.

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