
Bai Hu Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clear Qi Level Heat

White Tiger Decoction

Main Action of Bai Hu Tang This TCM Herbal formula clears excess heat in the Qi level and yangming levels of the body. Bai Hu Tang will nourish fluids alleviating thirst while sedating excess fire in the lung and stomach organs.

Da Bu Yin Wan

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Nourish and Tonify Yin

Great Tonify the Yin Pill

Main Action of Da Bu Yin Wan
The indications of this TCM Herbal formula are to nourish yin and cause fire to descend. This chinese medicine formula is best suited for conditions of upward rising of fire due to liver and kidney deficiency. The internally generated heat from yin deficiency leads to a tidal fever (yin ascending) and tidal fever.

Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Warm and Tonify the Yang

Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan

Kidney Qi Pill from the Golden Cabinet

Main Action of Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan
The functions of this Chinese medicine Herbal formula is to warm and tonify the kidney yang. This TCM Herbal formula is best suited in conditions of kidney yang deficiency with insufficient fire at the gate of vitality. Kidney yang is also known as source yang and is the basis for the yang of the entire body.

Sang Piao Xiao San

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Stabilizes the Kidneys

Sang Piao Xiao San

Mantis Egg Case Powder


Main Action of Sang Piao Xiao San
The functions of this traditional chinese medicine formula are to regulate and tonify both the heart and kidneys while stabilizing essence and stopping leakage of fluids and essence. This Herbal formula is best suited for frequent urination (incontinence) and spermatorrhea due to heart and kidney deficiency.

Shen Ling Bai Zhu San

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Tonify Qi

Shen Ling Bai Zhu San

Ginseng Poria and Atractylodes Macrocephala Powder


Main Action of Shen Ling Bai Zhu San
The functions of this TCM Herbal formula are to tonify the spleen Qi and clear dampness to alleviate diarrhea. This chinese medicine formula is best suited for conditions of spleen Qi deficiency leading to internal dampness due to poor transformation and transportation of the food Qi entering the body. The weak spleen is unable to send clear Qi upwards so turbidity accumulates and flows downwards giving rise to watery diarrhea.

Si Jun Zi Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Tonify Qi

Si Jun Zi Tang

Four Gentleman Decoction


Main Action of Si Jun Zi Tang
This is one of the most standard TCM Herbal formulas which will tonify the spleen and dry dampness accumulated in the body. This chinese medicine formula is best suited for conditions of spleen Qi deficiency generally caused by a poor diet and improper eating habits with excessive thinking and overworking. The spleen Qi becomes weak and is unable to transform and transport the food which is taken in sometimes leading to concomitant blood deficiency.

Yi Guan Jian

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Nourish and Tonify Yin

Yi Guan Jian

Linking Decoction

Main Action of Yi Guan Jian
The functions of this Chinese medicine Herbal formula are to nourish the yin fluids while regulating and soothing the liver Qi. The TCM formula is best suited in conditions of liver and kidney yin deficiency with concurrent Qi stagnation.

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