
Fu Zi Li Zhong Wan

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas to Regulate the Middle

Fu Zi Li Zhong Wan

Prepared Aconite Pill to Regulate the Middle

Main Action of Fu Zi Li Zhong Wan
this Herbal formula warms the spleen yang and expels cold while tonifying Qi.

Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clear Damp Heat

Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan

Sweet Dew Special Pill to Eliminate Toxins

Main Action of Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan
This TCM Herbal formulas Main functions are to resolve dampness, transform turbidity, clear heat and relieve toxicity within the Qi level. This chinese medicine formula is best suited in conditions of early stage damp heat pathogenic disease entering the body through the mouth and nose.

Ge Gen Huang Lian Huang Qin Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Release Exterior Interior Excess

Ge Gen Huang Lian Huang Qin Tang

Kudzu Coptis and Scutellaria Decoction

Main Action of Ge Gen Huang Lian Huang Qin Tang
The Main functions of this TCM Herbal formula are to release the exterior while clearing heat. the exterior has not been completely released but the interior has excess heat.Indications and Symptoms for Ge Gen Huang Lian Huang Qin Tang fever, sweating, thirst, dysenteric diarrhea, foul smelling stool, burning sensation around anus, irritability, sensation of heat in the chest, hot epigastrium, wheezing Tongue - red, yellow coat Pulse - rapid

Ge Gen Tang

Natural Herbal Formulas That Release Exterior Disorders which effect the Head and Neck

Ge Gen Tang

Kudzu Decoction

Main Action of Ge Gen Tang
The Main functions of this chinese medicine Herbal formula is to release the exterior and muscle layers while generating fluids. It is commonly referred to as a TCM formula to treat wind cold entering the Tai Yang stage.

Gui Ling Gan Lu Yin

Gui Ling Gan Lu Yin

Cinnamon and Poria Sweet Dew Decoction

Main Action of Gui Ling Gan Lu Yin
This Herbal formulas functions are to expel summer heat, clear heat, transform Qi and resolve dampness. The formula is best used in conditions of summer heat with internal stagnation of dampness and fluids.

Gui Pi Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Tonify Qi and Blood

Gui Pi Tang

Restore the Spleen Decoction

Main Action of Gui Pi Tang
This TCM Herbal formula was created to tonify both the Qi and blood by strengthening the spleen Qi and heart blood. This chinese medicine formula is designed for treating deficiencies due to over thinking which damages the spleen Qi and creates a heart blood deficiency.

Gui Zhi Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Stabilizes the Kidneys

Gui Zhi Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang

Cinnamon Twig Decoction plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell

Main Action of Gui Zhi Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang
The functions of this traditional chinese medicine formula are to restrain kidney essence while suppressing rebellion by regulating and harmonizing the yin and yang. This TCM Herbal formula is best suited for conditions of yin and yang deficiency with poor communication between the heart and the kidneys. This is a consumptive disorder with essence loss as its root and is generally caused by excessive sexual activity or severe loss of blood.

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