Stomach spasms

Liang Fu Wan

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Promotes Movement of Qi

Liang Fu Wan

Galangal and Cyperus Pill

Main Action of Liang Fu Wan
The functions of this Chinese medicine formula are to warm the middle jiao and expel cold while promoting the movement of Qi to alleviate pain. This TCM Herbal formula is best suited for conditions of both liver and stomach disorders. The formula treats liver Qi stagnation with stagnated cold congealed within the stomach.

Ping Wei San

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas Which Transforms Dampness and Turbidity

Ping Wei San

Calm the Stomach Powder

Main Action of Ping Wei San
This TCM Herbal formulas Main functions are to dry dampness, promote spleens transporting function, aids the movement of Qi and harmonize the stomach. The formula is best suited in conditions of damp cold which stagnates the spleen and stomach. The spleen's function of transforming food becomes stagnated creating disease within the patient.

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