Acid Reflux

Bao He Wan

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Reduces Food Stagnation

Preserve Harmony Pill

Main Action of Bao He Wan
The functions of this TCM Herbal formula are to reduce food stagnation while harmonizing the stomach. This traditional chinese medicine formula is best suited for individuals who have food poisoning due to contaminated foods or from general over eating or over indulgence in rich foods and alcoholic beverages.

Da Jian Zhong Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Warms the Middle and Disperses Cold

Major Construct the Middle Decoction

Main Action of Da Jian Zhong Tang
The functions of this TCM Herbal formula are to warm and tonify the middle jiao while directing rebel Qi downwards and relieving pain. This chinese medicine formula is best suited in conditions of middle jiao Yang Qi deficiency with cold ascending in the interior. It is a condition of deficiency and excess which will have cold pain in the abdomen. Since there is the excess of cold in the interior it surges upwards causing vomiting with the inability to keep food down.

Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Directs Rebel Qi Downwards

Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang

Tangerine Peel and Bamboo Shavings Decoction

Main Action of Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang
The functions of this Chinese medicine formula are to direct rebel Qi downwards, stop hiccough, tonify Qi and clear heat. This TCM Herbal formula is best suited for conditions of hiccough due to stomach heat.

Ping Gan Kai Yu Zhi Xue Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas For Womens Health and Pregnancy Disorders

Ping Gan Kai Yu Zhi Xue Tang

Balancing the Liver Opening Stagnation and Stopping Bleeding Decoction

Main Action of Ping Gan Kai Yu Zhi Xue Tang
This TCM Herbal formula is able to soothe the liver, clear heat and stop bleeding.

Ping Wei San

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas Which Transforms Dampness and Turbidity

Ping Wei San

Calm the Stomach Powder

Main Action of Ping Wei San
This TCM Herbal formulas Main functions are to dry dampness, promote spleens transporting function, aids the movement of Qi and harmonize the stomach. The formula is best suited in conditions of damp cold which stagnates the spleen and stomach. The spleen's function of transforming food becomes stagnated creating disease within the patient.

Wu Zhu Yu Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Warms the Middle and Disperses Cold

Wu Zhu Yu Tang

Evodia Decoction


Main Action of Wu Zhu Yu Tang
The functions of this TCM Herbal formula are to warm and tonify the liver and stomach while directing rebellious Qi downwards to stop vomiting. Wu Zhu Yu Tang is able to treat 3 different conditions: 1 -deficiency cold of the stomach causing stomach Qi to stagnate and eventually rebel upwards giving rise to vomiting. 2 -deficiency cold of the liver and stomach causing rebellion of Qi along the liver channel giving rise to a vertex headache. The stomach Qi rebels and turbid yin flows upwards (dry heaves, spitting up of clear fluids) 3 -cold attacking the middle jiao and the kidneys giving rise to diarrhea and cold extremities (hands and feet)

Yu Nu Jian

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clear Heat From The Organs

Yu Nu Jian

Jade Woman Decoction

Main Action of Yu Nu Jian
The functions of this chinese medicine Herbal formula are to drain stomach heat and nourish the yin. This formula is to treat stomach heat with concomitant yin deficiency due to vigorous stomach fire injuring the kidney yin.

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