Renal Failure

Wu Ling San

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas Which Promotes Urination and Leaches Out Dampness

Wu Ling San

Five Ingredient Powder with Poria


Main Action of Wu Ling San
This TCM Herbal formulas functions are to promote urination, drain damp accumulation, tonify the spleen, warm yang Qi and promote transformation function of the spleen Qi. The formula is best suited for conditions where the pathogenic influences is stagnated in the exterior and penetrates deeper into the bladder. A second condition which is indicated for this chinese medicine formula is spleen deficiency with the inability to properly transform and transport fluids causing dampness and fluid stagnation. The third condition which this Herbal formula is also prescribed for is retention of dampness in the lower jiao obstructing the ascent of yang Qi.

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