
Xiao Xu Ming Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Releases Wind from the Skin and Channels

Xiao Xu Ming Tang

Minor Prolong Life Decoction


Main Action of Xiao Xu Ming Tang
The functions of this chinese medicine formula are to warm the channels and unblock yang Qi while expelling wind and supporting Qi. This TCM Herbal formula is best suited in conditions of wind stroke due to an invading wind pathogen. When Wei Qi is weak the pores are open and wind easily invades the body and the channels. If this wind penetrates deeper within the body the organs will be effected (organ stroke) which gives rise to unconsciousness.

Xiao Yao San

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Harmonizes Liver and Spleen

Xiao Yao San

Rambling Powder

Main Action of Xiao Yao San
This chinese medicine Herbal formula is to regulate the liver Qi, tonify the spleen and nourish blood. The formula is best suited for liver Qi stagnation with concomitant blood deficiency. When the liver Qi is stagnated it's control over the spleen becomes excessive creating spleen deficiency and therefore blood deficiency.

Xiao Ying Jian

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas For Womens Health and Pregnancy Disorders

Xiao Ying Jian

Main Action of Xiao Ying Jian
This tcm Herbal formulas functions are to nourish yin and blood while regulating the Chong and Ren meridians.

Xie Bai San

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clear Heat From The Organs

Xie Bai San

Drain the White Powder

Main Action of Xie Bai San
This chinese medicine Herbal formulas functions are to drain lung heat and calm wheezing. The formula is mainly used in conditions where constrained heat in the lungs causes lung Qi to rebel. Indications and Symptoms for Xie Bai San coughing, cough worse at night, wheezing, fever, fever aggravated in evening, dry mouthy, difficult to expectorate sputum Tongue - red body, yellow coat Pulse - thin, rapid

Xie Huang San

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clear Heat From The Organs

Xie Huang San

Drain the Yellow Powder

Main Action of Xie Huang San
The functions of this chinese medicine Herbal formula are to drain smoldering fire from the spleen. This formula is mainly used when spleen fire opens through the mouth manifesting in oral symptoms. Spleen fire is easily transferred to the stomach (it's paired organ) and will lead to stomach fire symptoms.

Xie Xin Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clear Heat and Relieve Toxicity

Xie Xin Tang

Drain the Epigastrium Decoction

Main Action of Xie Xin Tang
The Main functions of this chinese medicine formula are to drain fire, relieve toxicity and dry dampness. It is generally a remedy for damp heat excess with concomitant interior clumping.

Xing Su San

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Gently Disperses and Moistens Dryness

Xing Su San

Apricot Kernel and Perilla Leaf Powder

Main Action of Xing Su San
This TCM Herbal formulas function is to gently release exterior cool dryness, regulate lung Qi and transform stagnated fluids. This chinese medicine formula is best suited for conditions where there is externally contracted cool dryness interfering with functions of the lungs (descending and ascending).

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