
Wu Mei Wan

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Expel Parasites

Wu Mei Wan

Mume Pill


Main Action of Wu Mei Wan
The functions for this chinese medicine Herbal formula are to warm the intestines and calm parasites (round worms). This TCM Herbal formula is best suited for conditions of parasites causing collapse due to heat in the chest and epigastrium (stomach) and cold in the intestines.

Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clear Heat and Relieve Toxicity

Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin

Five-Ingredient Decoction to Eliminate Toxin


Main Action of Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin
The Main functions of this chinese medicine Herbal formula are to clear toxic heat, cools the blood and reduce swellings. This formula treats fire toxins due to externally contracted heat from warm febrile disease.

Wu Yao San

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas For Womens Health and Pregnancy Disorders

Wu Yao San

Linderia Powder


Main Action of Wu Yao San
The functions of this TCM Herbal formula is to move and regulate Qi while harmonizing liver blood. This alternative medicine formula is best suited for menstrual disorders where there is stagnation of both Qi and blood.

Wu Zhu Yu Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Warms the Middle and Disperses Cold

Wu Zhu Yu Tang

Evodia Decoction


Main Action of Wu Zhu Yu Tang
The functions of this TCM Herbal formula are to warm and tonify the liver and stomach while directing rebellious Qi downwards to stop vomiting. Wu Zhu Yu Tang is able to treat 3 different conditions: 1 -deficiency cold of the stomach causing stomach Qi to stagnate and eventually rebel upwards giving rise to vomiting. 2 -deficiency cold of the liver and stomach causing rebellion of Qi along the liver channel giving rise to a vertex headache. The stomach Qi rebels and turbid yin flows upwards (dry heaves, spitting up of clear fluids) 3 -cold attacking the middle jiao and the kidneys giving rise to diarrhea and cold extremities (hands and feet)

Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clear Ying and Xue Level Heat

Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Clear Heat and Relieve Toxicity

Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin

Sublime Formula for Sustaining Life


Main Action of Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin
This alternative medicine Herbal formulas Main functions are to clear heat and relieve toxic fire while reducing swellings, promoting discharge of pus, invigorating the blood and alleviating pain. This formula is best suited for toxic fire or phlegm fire due to any origin (external or internal).

Xian Qi Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas For Womens Health and Pregnancy Disorders

Xian Qi Tang


Main Action of Xian Qi Tang
This Herbal formula functions are to nourish blood and clear blood heat.

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