High Blood Pressure

Wu Zhu Yu Tang

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Warms the Middle and Disperses Cold

Wu Zhu Yu Tang

Evodia Decoction


Main Action of Wu Zhu Yu Tang
The functions of this TCM Herbal formula are to warm and tonify the liver and stomach while directing rebellious Qi downwards to stop vomiting. Wu Zhu Yu Tang is able to treat 3 different conditions: 1 -deficiency cold of the stomach causing stomach Qi to stagnate and eventually rebel upwards giving rise to vomiting. 2 -deficiency cold of the liver and stomach causing rebellion of Qi along the liver channel giving rise to a vertex headache. The stomach Qi rebels and turbid yin flows upwards (dry heaves, spitting up of clear fluids) 3 -cold attacking the middle jiao and the kidneys giving rise to diarrhea and cold extremities (hands and feet)

Yi Guan Jian

Natural Chinese Herbal Formulas That Nourish and Tonify Yin

Yi Guan Jian

Linking Decoction

Main Action of Yi Guan Jian
The functions of this Chinese medicine Herbal formula are to nourish the yin fluids while regulating and soothing the liver Qi. The TCM formula is best suited in conditions of liver and kidney yin deficiency with concurrent Qi stagnation.

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